Month: October 2014

FREELENSED Fridays: Late October Edition 2014

oh autumn.  golden sunshine and the shudder of the wind’s sweet breath. your gentle way has me turn my back on summer’s laughter and long days. instead i wait. i wait for the winter, for darkness, and for grace.

friends near and far you continue to amaze us with your stunning artwork and your ability to stretch yourself.

xoxo –rebecca



 Renee B Photography



 Kay & Flair Photography



Privizzini’s Passion




 Louise Zabriskie



Sarah Landa Photography


Falling into a time of change, light shifting, breezes cooling. The little moments still mean the most though. Just for a minute, we are pulled into our thoughts and the beauty around us. It is that feeling that draws me into these images and keeps me captive.

xoxo Cate


Nicola Stewart Photography


Nicki Bosch Photography


Michael Kinney


Erin Hensley Photography


Lens & Beauty

FREELENSED FRIDAYS: October 8th thru October 14th

There are more first attempts, and new artists joining the freelensing community every day. It’s something special, to display all of these images as a collection. Together we share and grow in our art. This is another expression of how we see the world, and it gives freedom for more feeling in the images we create. Continue to push yourself and grow and share your work. It inspires others.


Melissa Anderson Clemons

Melissa Anderson Clemons

Summer Murdock Photography

Summer Murdock Photography

Olya Steckel Photography

Olya Steckel Photography

Kristie Robin Photography

Kristie Robin Photography

Jessie Arthur

Jessie Arthur

Tracy Jade Photography

Tracy Jade Photography


I was blown away with this weeks images.  I can feel the presence of fall in them.  The air has a chill, the leaves crinkle underfoot, the apples are ripe and ready for picking.  The colors and light make me feel like I’m in a dream.

Its magical.

Your images never disappoint and always leave me longing for more.  Keep up the amazing work and please keep sharing!  Its such a joy to jump on and see things through your eyes.



Kelly Akers  kellyakers

Ashley Block


           Erin Hensley

Felicia Chang


Joni Burtt


My 3 Sons Images


Nicki Bosch


Renee Barth

The Freelensed Monthly Edition: October 2014


the dimming light.

the crushed scent of rosemary lingering on my lined hands.

long shadows chasing children home as they return from school.

dearest october, you think that I would let your scouring of the treetops and browning of the grass leave me bereft of joy. instead you are a month where the sunlight gloriously falls through the spaces in the trees, the night lengthens in sweet ways and the harvest brings a satisfied thump to ones belly.

though we drag in the last scraps from the garden, october means I can once again sleep with windows wide open in hopes of catching the evening call of a cricket or the lightest touch of a breeze. here in this full month of autumn, my body comes alive again after the slumbering heat of summer: the back of my neck no longer pricks with sweat and there are less heat induced complaints when I shoo my boys out of doors.

october is the soft heat that curls in through the windows, brushing against my shoulders, playing with my hair. october is of the most tender golden hour, stretching from noon ’til night; october is the downy wind that sighs across the lakes, holding up our hearts as safe and content as a newborn babe who lays in her mother’s arms.

xoxo –rebecca

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Amanda O’Donoughue│Amanda O’Donoughue Photography


anna christine

Anna Christine Larson│Anna Christine Photography



Cate Wnek│Cate Wnek Photography



sherri davis photography freelensed monthly

Sherri Davis│Sherri Davis Photography


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Rebecca Coursey│A Wondered Life Photography


FREELENSED FRIDAYS: September 24 thru 30

Illuminated moments come and go. Light fades at the end of the day, so quickly in those last few minutes. Shadows darken as the glow falls away. Our memories are what we have left at the end of each day. A little blurry around the edges. Oh why can’t remember every detail of the moment already? But here is something to hold onto, something permanent. A picture that brings peace and comfort when it is dark outside.

Some favorites of mine this week . . . Cate

Cynthia Dawson Photography


Charlotte Heart Inspired


Privizzini’s Passion Photographycw_freelens_004

Sonia Epple Fotografie


Janet Crouch Photography


Jennifer Kapala Photography


Greenscapes Photography
